
Pure Greens - Recipes

Pure Greens smoothie

1 kiwi
Half an apple
A few mint leaves
A segment of lemon
0.5/1tsp Pure Greens
200ml coconut water/water


Add all ingredients to a blender
Squeeze in the juice of the lemon
Blend and enjoy!

 vita nutrients pure greens smoothie recipe healthy eating vegan organic superfood detox cleanse

Energise - Recipes

Energising breakfast smoothie

Non dairy/dairy milk of your choice (200mls)
Handful of berries
1 tbsp of oats
Half a banana
1 tsp of Energise powder


Add all ingredients to a blender
blend and enjoy!

vita nutrients energise organic superfood smoothie vegan supports energy breakfast healthy boost


Energised oats!

150-200mls of your chosen milk (depends on how thick you like your porridge)
25g of your chosen oats 
half a banana (to top)
0.5/1tsp of Energise powder

Place your porridge oats into a pan and add your required amount of milk
Add 0.5 to 1tsp of Energise food booster to the mixture whilst stirring
Bring to boil and simmer until desired consistency
Pour into your favourite bowl 
Top with sliced banana and Energise powder 

vita nutrients energise organic porridge superfood breakfast bowl supports energy metabolism

Turmunity - Recipes

Boost your oats!

25g of your chosen oats
150-200mls of your chosen milk (depends on how thick you like your porridge)
0.5/1tsp of Turmunity powder
A few apple slices to top it


Place your porridge oats into a pan and add your required amount of milk
Add 0.5 to 1tsp of Turmunity food booster to the mixture whilst stirring
Bring to boil and simmer until desired consistency
Pour into your favourite bowl and top with sliced apple!

Alternatively place all ingredients (except apple) into a mason jar and store in the fridge overnight for a quick and nutritious breakfast. In the morning then top with your favourite fruit or seeds for boosted overnight oats.


Golden Milk

200mls of your chosen milk
0.25tsp of Turmunity
Honey or maple syrup to taste


Add 200mls of milk to a pan and heat slowly on a hob
When milk becomes hot and whilst stirring add 0.25tsp of Turmunity
Add to the golden milk either honey or maple syrup to taste (0.5tsp)
Pour golden milk into your favourite cup

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